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Mountain View Student/Parent Handbook

MV Student/Parent Handbook 24/25 

Handbook Essentials

Attendance Procedures

  • Parents are asked to call the school to report the absence of their child.
  • We request the calls regarding absences be made between 4:30 p.m. (the day before) and 9:30a.m. the next day
  • If the school has not been given prior notice by phone, the parents will provide the school with a written explanation concerning all student absences upon the student’s return.
  • Absences will be recorded daily by 9:30a.m.
  • Teachers will record absences in their record books and will report sporadic attendance patterns to the principal or counselor.
  • The school should be notified by the parent of anticipated absences because of trips, family emergencies, medical appointments, agency appointments, etc.
  • The school will attempt to investigate unexplained absences through telephone contact or home visits with parents as soon as possible and advise them regarding the importance of regular school attendance and the legal implications involved.
  • Tardiness becomes a matter of habit and once formed it is very difficult to break. Make every effort to encourage your students to arrive on time and to return to the classroom promptly at the end of each break period. Duty teachers will assist in the “gathering process” at the end of break periods, but it will be the responsibility of the classroom teacher to meet their students at the line to minimize noise in the hallways going to and from the playground.

Dress Code

Mountain View will not require students to wear uniforms for the 21-22 school year. All students are expected to follow the APS dress code policy.

The APS dress code policy is as follows:

The Board of Education expects the student dress code and grooming to reflect high standards of personal conduct so that each student’s attire promotes positive, safe and healthy atmosphere within the school. Student dress may not present a health or safety hazard, violate municipal or state law or disrupt the educational program. Attire or accessories that advertise, display or promote any drug, including alcohol or tobacco, sexual activity, violence, disrespect and/or bigotry towards ant group are not acceptable. Unacceptable clothing and accessories include, but not limited to gang-related attire, excessively tight or revealing clothes, short shorts, bare midriff, low-cut and/or off the shoulder blouses, strapless or “spaghetti strap” clothing, spiked jewelry, chains, belts with more than 2 inches excess. “Sagging” or the wearing of pants below the waist and/or in a manner that allows underwear or bare skin to show, and “bagging” or the wearing of excessively baggy pants with low hanging crotches are prohibited. As a matter of common courtesy and respect, hats/caps are not to be worn while inside buildings except when there are specific instructional, safety, religious, or medical reasons.

Drop-off/Pick-up Parking

  • Enter through the north gate/driveway of the school campus
  • Be aware and observant of the orange cones
  • Pull forward as directed by school staff members
  • Children may exit or enter cars only along the paved sidewalk
  • You may carefully and slowly exit after loading/unloading
  • If you choose to park and wait for your child, please meet your child on the sidewalk
  • Exit the parking lot through the south gate/driveway of the school campus
  • NO pick-up or drop off from cars is allowed on 2nd street or Shirk lane.

Your cooperation is necessary to ensure the safety of our children. We all need to remember that we are examples for our children. If we expect our children to be respectful, caring, and responsible, then as adults we need to put these traits into practice at all times and places, including our pick-up and drop-off areas. Please follow these guidelines carefully.

Personal Electronic Devices (PED)

PEDs include, but are not limited to, cell phones, pagers, music and media players, gaming devices, tablets, and laptop computers. PEDs may be used before or after the school day ONLY and must be turned off and kept out of sight during school hours. The school will not be responsible for damage or theft of the item.

If a student violates this policy the PED will be confiscated by school staff and taken to the office. Only the parent/guardian may pick up the PED at the end of the school day. For the second offense, the PED will remain in the office for 7 days before it may be picked up by the parent/guardian. If there is a third offense the PED will remain in the office until the end of the trimester before it may be picked up by the parent/guardian.